Tegan 28.5.21

 It was another hot day and I thought my friends and I would go and look at that world's biggest structure. 2 hours went by and we were there. It was a big uphill walk to get to it but It was worth it. There was a beautiful big view of the sea. The structure was right on the edge of the cliff with a gate around it. We had been there for half an hour and we were just leaving until we heard a crack, it was the structure about to fall. I looked around and it was gone…. 


  1. Kia ora Tegan.
    That would have been a very dramatic sound I think, if the tower toppled over. How far away do you think people would have needed to be in order to escape the bricks when they fell?
    I like that you have used words like view, structure and cliff as they add interest to your piece. Keep on trying to use interesting and new vocabulary when you write.
    Ms M #100WC


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