Kate - 4/6/21

 The forest looked more beautiful than the day before. There were animals all around the abandoned hut. Some were drinking out of gutters and some were eating the small berries growing out of the window. There was a hole in the side of the hut and a bird feeder that was now filled with dirt and grass. A small squirrel was sitting in a tree with a nut in it’s paws. It cracked it open and the nut fell to the ground. Suddenly the squirrel opened the flaps on its sides. “ I didn’t know they could fly!” my sister said.


  1. This is an awesome story. I liked how you used an animal that could fly but most people don't know can fly.

  2. I think this is a great story Kate. I liked how your story was unusual but very interesting.

  3. I liked this story it was interesting.


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