Chloe 12.6.21

I woke up feeling like I had forgotten something, something important. What was it though? I know I didn’t know, until my mum woke. Then it hit me. It was Mother's Day, how on earth did I forget! There was only one problem, maybe more. I didn’t have anything to give her! Without saying anything I put my coat on and grabbed my dog, so I didn’t look suspicious. I started running almost too fast for my own feet. ‘Which way to the shops?’ it panted. Who was that? Were they talking to me? If so, was that my dog?


  1. Greetings from Australia Chloe. Fancy forgetting Mother’s Day! You chose a situation that your readers could relate to. I loved the twist of something speaking, perhaps your dog. I always appreciate accurate punctuation, so I enjoyed reading your writing this week.🙏😊


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