Taylor - Week 8

 There was a furry cat, but he heard something that was abysmal to his ears. It sounded like music, but all the notes were jumbled up. He vowed to stop it, and he started to search for the cause of the music. He climbed onto a vehicle close to him. And he saw a shop with a radio! It was on the other side of the road. He slowly made his way to the other side of the road. However he was so slow that the shop closed! He was mad but also glad because they’d turned off the radio.


  1. Hello Taylor,
    I loved some of the language you used in your story. I can imagine that it would have been pretty terrible with the notes all jumbled, so abysmal is a perfect word!
    I thought it was fun that your story was about a cat.
    Well done!
    Michelle, Team 100wc,
    Melbourne, Australia


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