Tegan - statue

It was another ordinary day. I was just standing there with my drums and my swords waiting for people to stop and look at me. It was at that time of day where everyone would normally come and see me but no one came. It was getting late until one person came up the hill and went straight under and broke the rule. The rule said do not touch. But that kid did and then I came alive. I touched myself and my skin was softed the boy ran away as fast as he could wishing he didn’t touch me. 



  1. Hi Tegan,
    I'm glad to read your post. Well done for the story development and words used. You made me think of the movie Night at the Museum, which tells the story of a museum security guard who unwittingly touches an artifact, causing a creature imprisoned for thousands of years to come alive. Amazing piece! Keep writing.

    Xuerong Huang (Team 100wc)


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