Zac 12.6.21

One day in a mysterious cave, a humanoid-like creature came sluggishly out of the small cave on the edge of town “ Which way to the shops?’’ it panted… as he slithered like a slug into the deserted part of town. It was now at the front of the dairy. The thing was looking around the dairy for something, was it food or something else?. “There is nothing,” it screamed as the thing went into a blind rage and it grew in size. It was about the size of a building. The humanoid-like creature ran to the populated town and everyone...


  1. Hi Zac,

    I really enjoyed your story. What a clever way to use the pronoun 'it'. The image of an angry, giant creature running towards the populated town is very powerful too.

    Well done,

    Michelle, Team 100wc,
    Melbourne, Australia


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