Niamh - Wiki 2

 Roller Coasters are TERRIFYING. Never go on a roller coaster because they are so scary. Being on a roller coaster means you could risk your life because they twist, spin and turn in all directions, sometimes even upside down and there is a chance that you could fall out and die! Also if you go upside down you could be sick or badly hurt yourself. A roller coaster is dangerous because it may just stop and you could be stuck suspended in the air for hours. Trust me roller coasters are petrifying, never ever go on a roller coaster again.


  1. Hi Naimh,
    I agree, rollercoasters ARE terrifying! Your writing reminded me exactly why I am so scared when I'm in one. I also don't like feeling sick for ages afterwards, especially when there is always so much food around at the fair.

    It's funny how some people absolutely LOVE that adrenalin rush that comes from doing something really scary. They always choose the scariest rides (usually the rollercoaster!).

    Well done,
    Michelle, Team 100wc,
    Melbourne, Australia


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