Tom - Wiki 2

Did you know that every 1 in 20 kiwi kids is born with no eyeballs. Us as kiwis should be just kind and donating $5 a month. We are fortunate to have great medical staff to help us. How would you feel if your grandchildren could not see because of our cold hearts not donating. It is not fair that they are born like that and we disrespect them because of what they look like not for what they are. Together we as a great country can help those kids because if we don't act it will be TERRIFYING, TERRIFYING.


  1. Hello Tom,
    What a worthy cause. Where can I donate... WAIT!
    I see you are trying to persuade me to support your favourite charity. That was lucky. I was almost convinced. Well done.
    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia


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